Portfolio Tag: Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer

March 28, 2015

Work commitments keep Mike from this broadcast, but Frank Sorick joins Lou in the studio again. Lou offers a few observations on the previous week's Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth presentations, asking why the media blackout on the questions the group raises. Another question on Lou's mind: are we defined by the words we…
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December 13, 2014

Mike and Lou discuss the recent actions if U.S. House Speaker John Boehner concerning the $1.1T omnibus spending bill. Andy Ostrowski, 2014 PA-11 congressional candidate, calls in from an airport terminal to discuss the common law grand jury movement and the quo warranto notices that have recently been sent to scores of public servants, including every…
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April 26, 2014

Famed civil rights icon and contemporary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Jesse Epps, and his support staff join Lou in studio. The focus: efforts to ensure judicial integrity today. Epps speaks to Dr. King’s legacy for those who contend with injustice at this time. Epps, 2014 Congressional candidate Andy Ostrowski, court reform advocate Bruce Levine, and others to speak later in the day at the “Protecting Families in Memory of Senator Nancy Schaefer” Rally for Judicial Reform and Social Justice at Scranton’s Courthouse Square.

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March 8, 2014

Frank Sorick guest co-hosts, and the crew recollects news covered by Sanity Check and the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Independent Gazette, including both GasGate and Lag Towing scandals. Lou cover the upcoming IndieGoGo fundraising to be launch in the coming weeks, and address the gag orders used by the judicial system to cover their corruption. Michael gives a rundown on taxes killing economic productivity, and why Texas is booming. Jason Scheurer and Dorit Goikhman call in from CPAC. Andy Ostrowski calls in to discuss his United States Congressional campaign against Rep Lou Barletta (PA-11), and the lawsuit Ostrowski filed against the Hazleton, PA police department for violation of this civil right to run for office.

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