June 14, 2014

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Where is Sgt. Bergdahl? In San Antonio, near Tea Party Mike. Frank Sorick is in studio once again, reporting that according to one ranking, Pennsylvania’s among the top 10 most corrupt states in the Union. Lou comments on state Senator Smucker and the effort to make the long rifle the state gun. So much for bringing the Voters’ Choice Act out of his committee.

X joins the conversation to discuss developments in Iraq.  Should the Kurds have been given their own territory in the northern part of Iraq?

Lou launches the third segment with a report coming out of NJ of a threat by CPS to terminate a father’s custody of his young son, a threat ultimately resulting from the boy’s twirling of a pencil in class.

Bruce Levine during segment four to express gratitude to Lou and the Independent Gazette staff for having the “courage to care.” He says we need more court watchers because mommies and daddies are being tortured, and he’s lost all respect for Lackwanna County judges such as Margie Moyle and Chester Harhut.