This broadcast is all about a rallying cry to action. Mike begins by relating a story about Major Hutchinson and the Populist Party and their platform in Texas in the late 19th century. One of the Party's aims was to reduce the salaries of public servants but they also addressed the banking system of the…
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June 14, 2014
Where is Sgt. Bergdahl? In San Antonio, near Tea Party Mike. Frank Sorick is in studio once again, reporting that according to one ranking, Pennsylvania's among the top 10 most corrupt states in the Union. Lou comments on state Senator Smucker and the effort to make the long rifle the state gun. So much for…
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May 31, 2014
Mike begins this episode by noting election process differences among the states. And what about "stacking the deck" as a ballot strategy? Lou says laws are for the mundanes, not for those in power. Fortunately, Mike's got good news to share from the recent Texas Primaries: overwhelming success for Tea Party candidates. In particular, Daniel Patrick defeated establishment candidate…
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