July 5, 2014

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Mike cites a recent example of bipartisanship . . . to levy a tax increase. Oh well, the Pennsylvania exodus probably requires more highway capacity. Betsy Summers is in studio with Frank Sorick and relays some of the conversations she had with non-registered voters the previous day at Kirby Park. She aims to gather 600 signatures for her state house seat bid, giving her a 2-to-1 safety margin. Frank thinks the two major (legacy) parties have a vested interest in not registering new voters, and Mr. X joins the conversation about voter apathy.

Segment II
Ben from Wilkes-Barre calls in to prompt a discussion of the current application of the Homestead Act . . . and what of the property tax relief that local gambling was to provide? Betsy once again mentions that some 115 state house seats are uncontested this year. Mike says the American people need to get to the voting booths and throw out the incumbents or throw their own hats in the ring, as he did in the Luzerne County Council race back in 2011.

Segment III
Lou calls in from the road from Glacier National Park in Montana to speak to illegal immigration and the Welfare State. Mr. X advises using iris scans on illegals, as has been done on the Iraqi battlefield. Once scanned, an individual may never become a US citizen. Mike advises withholding foreign aid from countries aiding migration into the US.

Segment IV
Frank shifts the discussion back to Wilkes-Barre by relating his experience at the most recent Wilkes-Barre School Board meeting. Not only did the board vote to increase property taxes the maximum 2.25%, but they’re also interested in a re-assessment, believing that revenue is being “left on the table” by means of the county-wide re-assessment of a few years ago.